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Additive Manufacturing of Functional Biomaterials

Submission Deadline: 31 March 2023
Special Issue Editors
Mehrshad Mehrpouya
Department of Design, Production, and Management (DPM), University of Twente, The Netherlands

Additive manufacturing; 3D/4D printing; Functional materials

Wei Min Huang
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Shape memory materials and technology; Sensors and actuators; 4D printing

Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues

Additive manufacturing (AM) of biomaterials has been developing rapidly in the last two decades. This is due to many benefits in both fabrication techniques, which give unique freedom in customization, and bio-based materials for developing green and sustainable products. Biomaterials currently have a wide range of applications in biomedical engineering, bioimplants, biosensors, packaging industry, etc. The application of functional biomaterials can provide a unique capability to fabricate active products that can transform from one state/shape to another. Therefore, this smart behavior can be applied in the design and manufacturing of products with intended functionalities.

We invite the submission of full-length papers of original research contributions, review papers, and communications that are of high quality, impact, and novelty as well as being interesting for wide audiences of scientific and technological communities. Potential topics for this Special Issue include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The latest developments in functional biomaterials for AM processes;

  • Novel 3D/4D printing techniques and technologies for the fabrication of high-quality biobased products;

  • Theoretical and experimental research, knowledge, and new ideas in design for functional bioproducts using AM technology;

  • Mathematical modeling or numerical simulation to predict/optimize the functionality of AMed biomaterials;

  • Development in characterization methods for AMed biomaterials.


Additive Manufacturing
Functional Biomaterials
3D/4D Printing; Architectural Design
Smart biopolymers
Shape Memory Effect
Life Cycle Assessment
Published Paper (8 Papers)

3D printing of drug-eluting bioactive multifunctional coatings for orthopedic applications

Eben Adarkwa, Abhijit Roy, John Ohodnicki, Boeun Lee, ... Salil Desai
International Journal of Bioprinting 2023, 9(2), 661
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Additive Manufacturing of Functional Biomaterials)

The biological properties of 3D-printed degradable magnesium alloy WE43 porous scaffolds via the oxidative heat strategy

Shuyuan Min, Chaoxin Wang, Bingchuan Liu, Jinge Liu, ... Yun Tian
International Journal of Bioprinting 2023, 9(3), 686
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Additive Manufacturing of Functional Biomaterials)

Preparation and Characterization of 3D Printed Porous 45S5 Bioglass Bioceramic for Bone Tissue Engineering Application

Zhihong Dong, Jiabao Gong, Haowei Zhang, Yanting Ni, ... Changchun Zhou
International Journal of Bioprinting 2022, 8(4), 613
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Additive Manufacturing of Functional Biomaterials)

Design and biomechanical analysis of patient-specific porous tantalum prostheses for knee joint revision surgery

Shilong Mao, Yang Liu, Fuyou Wang, Peng He, ... Yanfeng Luo
International Journal of Bioprinting 2023, 9(4), 735
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Additive Manufacturing of Functional Biomaterials)

Enzymatic post-crosslinking of printed hydrogels of methacrylated gelatin and tyramine-conjugated 8-arm poly(ethylene glycol) to prepare interpenetrating 3D network structures

Jia Liang, Zhule Wang, Andreas A. Poot, Dirk W. Grijpma, ... Rong Wang
International Journal of Bioprinting 2023, 9(5), 750
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Additive Manufacturing of Functional Biomaterials)

DLP-printed GelMA-PMAA scaffold for bone regeneration through endochondral ossification

Jianpeng Gao, Hufei Wang, Ming Li, Zhongyang Liu, ... Licheng Zhang
International Journal of Bioprinting 2023, 9(5), 754
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Additive Manufacturing of Functional Biomaterials)

Micron track chitosan conduit fabricated by 3D-printed model topography provides bionic microenvironment for peripheral nerve regeneration

Meng Zhang, Heng An, Teng Wan, Hao-Ran Jiang, ... Pei-Xun Zhang
International Journal of Bioprinting 2023, 9(5), 770
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Additive Manufacturing of Functional Biomaterials)

3D printing of PCL-ceramic composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering applications

Santosh Kumar Parupelli, Sheikh Saudi, Narayan Bhattarai, Salil Desai
International Journal of Bioprinting 2023, 9(6), 0196
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Additive Manufacturing of Functional Biomaterials)
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International Journal of Bioprinting, Electronic ISSN: 2424-8002 Print ISSN: 2424-7723, Published by AccScience Publishing