11 October 2024
6th Australian Bioprinting Workshop
December 2nd-3rd, 2024 Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia Academic cooperation: International Journal of Bioprinting The Australian Bioprinting Workshop for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (AusBioprintTM) was created for a community of bioengineers, scientists and clinicians to work in synergy with industry, government, and regulatory agencies to tackle key challenges in the bioprinting field and facilitate its clinical translation. Following on from the success of the 2019-23 events, it is our utmost pleasure to invite you to this year's 6th Australian Bioprinting Workshop for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. The 2024 Workshop will be a hybrid event, with the goal to promote early career researchers and students, by sharing their work around bioink development, stem cells, biomaterials, and other topics relevant to 3D bioprinting technologies. Please click on the following link to read more information about the conference. We set up a conference special issue titled "3D Bioprinting DownUnder: Innovation, Advancements and Perspectives" in International Journal of Bioprinting. Welcome to submit,
29 September 2024
3rd International Conference on 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing
Theme : Print the Future: Unleashing Innovation Through 3D Printing Excellence Academic Cooperation: International Journal of Bioprinting   November 14-15, 2024 H10 Roma Città, Rome, Italy   Dear Participants,   Scisynopsis is pleased to Welcomes you to the 3rd International Conference on 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing (CPD accredited) is going to be held in Rome, Italy on November 14-15, 2024 with the theme of “Print the Future: Unleashing Innovation Through 3D Printing Excellence" – a dynamic and innovative gathering of minds at the forefront of 3D printing and additive manufacturing. This conference serves as a melting pot for thought leaders, researchers, industry experts, and enthusiasts, converging to explore the vast potential and transformative power of additive technologies.   Join us as we delve into the heart of the additive manufacturing revolution. Our theme, " Print the Future: Unleashing Innovation Through 3D Printing Excellence," reflects the essence of this event – a platform where ideas flourish, creations come to life, and industries undergo profound transformations.   Please click on the following link to read more information about the conference.   We set up a conference special issue titled "Bioprinting: towards New Frontiers" in International Journal of Bioprinting. Welcome to submit,
24 July 2024
Early Access Articles
To speed up the discoverability of papers accepted in the International Journal of Bioprinting, AccScience Publishing will make the newly accepted papers available online as "Early Access Articles" within 3 working days of acceptance. The Early Access Articles are manuscripts that have not yet been language-edited or typeset and will be released as a flat PDF with a standard cover page. The article items of this manuscript version will be flagged as "Early Access" and categorized under the Online First section. Following the online release of this version of manuscript, our editors will continue to work with authors on the editing and production of their articles until the typeset version is ready for substitution for the Early Access version. The typeset version, once replaced, will remain on the Online First section until they are selected for inclusion in a designated volume/issue.
25 January 2024
Recruitment of Young Editorial Board from International Journal of Bioprinting
To promote the innovative advancement of International Journal of Bioprinting and establish an cutting-garde academic exchange platform, promoting dialogues between young scholars and influential experts in the field of bioprinting, the Editorial Office of International Journal of Bioprinting is actively expanding its Young Editorial Board. We are currently seeking 20 global Youth Editorial Board members through self-recommendation and a rigorous Editorial Board selection process. As a valued member of the Young Editorial Board, you will have the opportunity to collaborate closely with the current board members, a distinguished assembly of globally renowned scholars. This board is dedicated to creating a dynamic academic platform and fostering collaboration within the global research landscape of bioprinting sciences. We earnestly invite your participation to contribute to this endeavor. 1. Benefits include: Exclusive Two-Year Term: Upon selection, a Young Editorial Board appointment will be conferred for a two-year term. Discounted Registration: Enjoy discounted registration fees when attending various academic activities organized by the journal. Outstanding Recognition: Qualify for the annual selection for Outstanding Young Editorial Board members. Priority Manuscript Processing: Your manuscripts submitted during the term will receive priority processing; accepted articles will be given priority publication. Showcase Excellence: Opportunities for priority recommendation of cover articles in the journal, featuring research video introductions and recent publications in the journal's promotional column. Conference Support: Access the chance to receive journal support for organizing domestic and international academic conferences or forums. Network Exchange: Engage in online or offline editorial meetings and academic seminars to collaborate and exchange ideas with other board members, invited editors, and authors. Path to Editorial Leadership: Making valuable contributions to the journal opens up exciting possibilities for promotion to a regular editorial position. 2. Recruitment Eligibility: Research at top-tier universities, research institutes, or leading technology enterprises worldwide. Demonstrate a commitment to actively participate in manuscript organization, submission, and peer review for the journal. Possess regular experience in reviewing bioprinting-related journals. Hold a Ph.D. degree or above. 3. Responsibilities of Young Editorial Board Members: Organizing and inviting submissions: Recommend and organize high-quality manuscripts in their responsible fields based on the understanding of outstanding contributors. Peer reviewing: Invite Young Editorial Board members with academic expertise and work experience to serve as subject reviewers for International Journal of Bioprinting. Academic editing: Invite Young Editorial Board members to participate in academic editing for International Journal of Bioprinting based on their academic strength, English proficiency, and research interests. Promoting the journal: Conduct promotion and advertising activities for the journal through major academic conferences, events, or other academic channels. Participating in academic activities: Actively participate in Young Editorial Board meetings or jointly organize relevant academic conferences with the journal. 4. Recruitment Focus: International Journal of Bioprinting is an international academic journal in the field of bioprinting. The current recruitment focuses on research areas ( 6. Application: To apply for the International Journal of Bioprinting Young Editorial Board, please complete and submit the Application Form (including personal information, education, main research direction, work experience, and a list of representative publications). Submit the form to the editorial office via email ( You can download the International Journal of Bioprinting Young Editorial Board Application Form via the following link: The selection process for Young Editorial Board members includes the following steps: resume submission, initial review by the Editorial Office, approval by the main editorial board, and issuance of appointment letters. Application Deadline: March 31, 2024, via email.
16 November 2023
IJB Editors Seletcted as Clarivate’s 2023 Global "Highly Cited Scientists"!
IJB Editorial Board - Prof. Chee Kai Chua, Prof. Anthony Atala, Prof. Jason A. Burdick, Prof. Ali Khademhosseini, Prof. Swee Leong Sing, Prof. Yu Shrike Zhang - were Seletcted as Clarivate’s 2023 Global "Highly Cited Researchers"! Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical. Editor-in-Chief   Prof. Chee Kai Chua Engineering Product Development, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, Singapore Interests: Rapid prototyping; Additive manufacturing; 3D printing; CAD; CAM Editorial Board Members  Prof. Anthony Atala Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest University Health Sciences, Winston-Salem, NC, USA Interests: Tissue Engineering, Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, Prostatic, Neoplasms, Tissue Scaffolds, Reconstructive Surgery Prof. Jason A. Burdick Bowman Endowed Professor; BioFrontiers Institute and Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA Interests: Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Bioengineering, Hydrogels Prof. Ali Khademhosseini Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation, Los Angeles, CA, USA Interests: Bioengineering, Drug delivery, Biomaterials, Tissue engineering, Regenerative medicine Prof. Swee Leong Sing Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Interests: Additive manufacturing; 3D printing; 3D bioprinting; Powder bed fusion; Selective laser melting Prof. Yu Shrike Zhang Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA, USA Interests: 3D Bioprinting, Biomaterials, Regenerative Engineering, Organ-on-a-Chip, Bioanalysis  
21 September 2023
Journal Ownership Change Notice
International Journal of Bioprinting was founded in 2015 and transferred from Whioce Publishing ( to AccScience Publishing, and will continue to be published by AccScience Publishing from Volume 9 Issue 6 (2023).  Editorial OfficeInternational Journal of Publishing8 Burn Road#15-03 Trivex Singapore 369977
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International Journal of Bioprinting, Electronic ISSN: 2424-8002 Print ISSN: 2424-7723, Published by AccScience Publishing