Since its inception in 2015, IJB has been at the forefront of publishing cutting-edge research in the field of bioprinting, encompassing technology, science, and clinical applications. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the International Journal of Bioprinting (IJB), we are pleased to announce a special issue "Future Bioprinting"
Scope and Topics:
We invite researchers and practitioners to submit original research articles, reviews, and perspectives that explore the latest developments and future trends in bioprinting. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Innovative Bioprinting Techniques: Exploration of novel bioprinting methods and technologies that push the boundaries of current capabilities.
- Advanced Bioinks: Development and characterization of new bioink formulations that enhance printability, cell viability, and functionality.
- Sophisticated Tissue Engineering: Progress in bioprinting complex tissues and `organs for regenerative medicine applications.
- Pioneering Clinical Applications: Translation of bioprinting technologies into clinical settings, including case studies and clinical trials.
- Affordability and Economic Considerations: Discussion of the commercial landscape and economic implications surrounding bioprinting technologies.
Submission Guidelines:
Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the journal's guidelines, which can be found on the IJB website.
All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the publication of high-quality research.
Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline: September 30, 2025
- Notification of Acceptance: November 30, 2025
- Publication Date: December 2025
Article Processing Charge (APC):
Please note that an APC of USD 3,000 is applicable for accepted articles.
Contact Information:
For inquiries, please contact the editorial office at:
Phone: +65 8182 1586
We look forward to your contributions to this commemorative issue, which aims to highlight the remarkable progress and future potential of bioprinting technologies.