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Early Access Articles
24 July 2024

To speed up the discoverability of papers accepted in the International Journal of Bioprinting, AccScience Publishing will make the newly accepted papers available online as "Early Access Articles" within 3 working days of acceptance.

The Early Access Articles are manuscripts that have not yet been language-edited or typeset and will be released as a flat PDF with a standard cover page. The article items of this manuscript version will be flagged as "Early Access" and categorized under the Online First section. Following the online release of this version of manuscript, our editors will continue to work with authors on the editing and production of their articles until the typeset version is ready for substitution for the Early Access version. The typeset version, once replaced, will remain on the Online First section until they are selected for inclusion in a designated volume/issue.

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International Journal of Bioprinting, Electronic ISSN: 2424-8002 Print ISSN: 2424-7723, Published by AccScience Publishing