Gene & Protein in Disease primarily covers research on the complex interplay between genes, environments, and behaviour utilizing multiple levels of analysis, e.g., genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, glycomics, lipidomics, metabolomics and microbiome study, with advanced techniques both in vivo and in vitro, e.g., genetic, epigenetic, genetic editing, molecular, cellular, tissue, animal model and bioinformatics approaches.
The topics of interest to Gene & Protein in Disease include but not limited to cancer, congenital disease, birth defect, rare diseases, single and complex diseases, ageing, chronic disease, cognitive development and dementia, as well as human health conditions from health to suboptimal health and illness at individual to community/population levels from the perspectives of preventive, predicative and personalised/precision medicine.
The spectrum of Gene & Protein in Disease also covers the topics related to both the basic and translational sciences which aim to develop of gene editing, stem cell therapy, and medical engineering into an understanding and treatment of diseases by exploring the genetic susceptibility, pathogenesis and mechanism of the disease development.
Gene & Protein in Disease welcomes contributions which demonstrate practical usefulness, particularly research that take a multidisciplinary approach and address the real-world challenges of human health conditions that are complex in prevention, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and rehabilitation.
Gene & Protein in Disease provides an ideal forum for exchanging the most updated research progress in various formats: original article, research letter, review and meta-analysis, protocol, case study, news-heights on scientific breakthroughs. Gene & Protein in Disease is published quarterly. It commits to publish all manuscripts receiving a high priority recommendation during the review process, while those receiving less priority will be considered for publication on a case-by-case basis. Manuscripts accepted will be published online as soon as its acceptation, reflecting GPD’s commitment to quickly publish all manuscripts immediately after the peer review process.
Founding Editor-in-Chief
Prof. Gautam Sethi