Structural Biology; NMR; Protein Aggregation; Neurodegeneration; Muscle Proteins; Macromolecular Interactions
Glycomics; Public Health; Genetic Epidemiology; Chronic Disorders
Genetics of Alcoholism; Neuropsychiatry and Genetics; Nutritional Genetics; Pharmacogenetics
Identification of New Genes Involved in Cancer; Its Characterization and Traslation to Clinic; Identification and Validation of New Targets for Anticancer Drug Discovery
Basic and Clinical Research on Gastrointestinal Cancer
Leukemia; Lymphoma; Targeted Therapy; Molecular Diagnostics; High Throughput Genomics; Transcriptomics; Digital Pathology
Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; Neuroinflammation; Microglia; Fibrosis; Astrocytes; Animal Models of Neurodegenerative Diseases; Purinergic Signaling; Histaminergic Signaling; Neuropharmacology
Lipoproteins; Antioxidant Activity; Reactive Oxygen Species; Inflammation; Oxidative Stress; Metabolic Syndrome; Antioxidants;Nutrition; Cardiology; Atherosclerosis
Migraine; Headache; Pain; Fibromyalgia; Non Invasive Brain Stimulation; TMS; rTMS; tDCS; tRNS; Visuospatial Attention and Neglect; Language; Multisensorial Perception
Rhinology; Laryngology; Rhinology; Biologics; Head and Neck Oncology; Chemical Sense; Neuroimaging; Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology; Head and Neck Surgery; Otorhinolaryngology; Personalized Medicine
Genomics; Proteomics; Drug Repurposing and Bioinformatics; Next-Generation Sequencing; Cancer Biomarker; Evidence-based Medicine; Extracellular Vesicles; MicroRNA; Molecular Diagnostics; Non-coding RNAs; Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma; Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Nano Functional Materials; Nano Image Probes; Intelligent Diagnosis and Treatment Instruments; Gastric Cancer Early Warning and Early Theranostics System; Nano Therapy Technology Development and Transformation
Membrane Proteins; Lon Channels; X-Ray Crystallography; Cryo-electron Microscopy; Structural Biology; Structural Bioinformatics; Structure-based Drug Designin; Virtual Screening; Pharmacophore Modeling
Cardiomyopathies; Hematopoietic Mesenchymal Cells; Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stems; Exosomes; miRNAs; Cardiac Regeneration; Cardiac Protection and Cardiac Remodeling
Biomaterials; Drug Delivery Systems; Targeted Delivery; Stimuli-Sensitive Nanomedicine; Nucleic Acid Therapeutics; Protein Drugs, Biologics
Natural Product; Cancer; Oxidative Stress Biomarkers; Modulatory Action of Nuclear Receptors; Adipokines in the Development and Progression of Breast Cancer
Cancer; Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Cancer Metabolomics/Proteomics; Cancer Stem Cells; Sjogren’s Ssyndrome; Burning Mouth Syndrome and Chronic Pain
Brown and beige adipocytes; Remodeling of adipose tissue in pathological conditions; Chronic inflammation in non-communicable diseases.
- Development of biomedicine to reprogram “unhealthy” adipose tissue to “healthy” one.
Genetics and Molecular Epidemiology; Cancer Biology; Epigenetics in Epidemiology; Cell Signaling; Virology; Genomic Surveillance in Public Health; Biomarker Development; Animal Models; Drug Discovery
COVID-19; Emerging Viruses; Monkeypox Virus; Clinical Infectious Diseases; Infectious Disease Epidemiology; Viral Infection; Cancer; Tumor Suppression Gene; Hydrogen Sulfide and Nanomedicine and Medical Microbiology
Inflammatory Pathways and Chronic Diseases; Cancer Biology and Therapeutics
Environmental Toxicology; Ecotoxicology; Cancer Diagnostics, Raman MicroSpectroscopy, FTIR Spectroscopy, Immunofluorescence Microscopy, Material Characterization; Atomic Force Microscopy
Oral Medicine and Biology; Pediatric Dentistry; Molecular Biology of the Oral Cavity; Microbiology of the Oral Cavity in Leukemic Pediatric Patients: PCRealtime Study; Neurophysiological Study of Peripheral Neuropathies of the Oral Cavity; MAPkinases in the Precancerous Lesions of Oral Mucous Membranes
miRNAs; Non-coding RNAs; NSCLC; Murine Models; Therapeutic Targeting; Drug Resistance Mechanisms; Cancer Stem Cells; Single Cell Transcriptomics; Transcription Factors; KRAS; EGFR; BMI1
Nanomedicine; Biophysics; DNA Replication and Recombination; Protein-DNA Interaction; Chromatin Structure and Dynamics; Alzheimer's Disease; Parkinson's Disease; Amyloid Protein Aggregation; Protein Misfolding; Alpha-Synuclein; Beta Amyloid; Protein–Protein Interaction; Computational Modeling; Nanoimaging; Single-Molecule Biophysics; Force Spectroscopy; Atomic Force Microscopy; AFM
Bioinformatics; Genetics; Genomics; Next-Generation Sequencing; Proteomics; Mass Spectrometry; Cancers; Infectious Biology; Integrated Analysis of -omics Data; Machine Learning and Biostatistics
NanoBiomaterials; Advanced Drug/Gene Delivery Systems; Cancer Immunotherapy; Bone/tissue engineering
Neuroinflammation; Neuromodulation; Pain; Depression
Proteins 100; Cancer Associated Fibroblast; Fibroblast Activation Protein Alpha; Tumor Microenvironment
Anatomy; Histology; Morphological and Functional Aspects of Stromal Cells and Endothelial Cells; Angiogenesis; Tissue Fibrosis; Systemic Sclerosis; Scleroderma
Tissue Engineering; Drug Delivery and Microfluidics
Antimicrobial Peptides; Antibacterial; Antibiotics; Structure-Activity Relationships; Bacteriocins; Drug Design; Peptide Engineering; Antivirals
Heart Failure; Atrial Fibrillation; Echocardiography; Electrocardiography; Clinical Cardiology; Chronic Heart Failure; Cardiac Function; Myocardial Infarction; Hypertension; Cardiovascular Medicine
Cancer Therapeutic; Kinase Inhibitors; Natural Compounds; Protein Biochemistry; Drug Design and Discovery
Pancreatic Cancer; Acute Pancreatitis; Abdominal Compartment Syndrome; FAST, POCUS and Pulmonary Ultrasound; Colorectal Cancer; Abdominal Wall Defects: Hernias and Incisional Hernias
3D in Vitro Models (liver, lung, articular cartilage, bone, multiple myeloma, breast cancer etc); in Vitro Toxicology; in Vitro Investigations of Air and Water Pollution; Tissue Engineering; Stem Cell Biology; Cell Biology; Biomedical Engineering; Cells; Cancer Biology; Heavy Metals; Regenerative Medicine
Cancer Therapy; Probiotics; Microbiota; Renal Diseases; Cellular Immunotherapy; Drug Development; Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Cells; MMP inhibitors and Neuroprotection; Immunotherapy
Pediatrics; Nutrition; Infectious Diseases; Health Care; Telemedicine; Translational Research; Rare Diseases; Non-Communicable Disaeses
Gynecological Endocrine Disease; Pelvic Floor Disease; Minimally Invasive Treatment of Gynecological Benign and Malignant Tumors; Transumbilical Single Hole Laparoscopy (TU-LESS); Transvaginal Natural Channel "scar free" Single Hole Laparoscopy (V-NOTES); Single Port Laparoscopic Surgery for Gynecological Benign and Malignant Yumors
Psychiatric Disorders; Monoaminergic Systems; GABAergic Systems; Anxiety; Stress; Depression; Substance Abuse; Genetic Basis of Emotionality; Developmental Basis of Emotionality; Cellular and Molecular Neuroanatomy of Rodent and pPstmortem Human Brain; Light Sheet Microscopy; Large Image-Data Analysis; Multiplexed Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization; Brain Transparency Techniques; iDISCO
Antimicrobial Resistance; WGS; Epidemiology; Genetics; Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing; Molecular Biology; Animal Production; Mass Spectrometry; Zoonotic Diseases; Foodborne Pathogens; Food Hygiene and Control
iPSC; Pluripotent Stem Cells; Reprogramming; Nuclear Reprogramming; Cytoplasm; Mitochondria; Somatic Cell Reprogramming; Mitochondrial DNA; Reactive Oxygen Species; Mitochondrial Dynamics
Cellular Biology & Molecular Biology of Bone Aging; Stem Cell Lineage Fates related Epigenetic Regulation; 3D Genomics; Stem Cell-based Therapy for Bone Regeneration; Screening of Jaw Bone Loss related Risk Factors