Stigma in maintenance hemodialysis patients: A cross-sectional study

This study aimed to explore stigma and its predictors among patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis. We utilized corresponding scales to measure both stigma and quality of life, and examining their correlations. Clinical and laboratory data were obtained through self-reported scales and medical records, screening for possible predictors associated with stigma. We recruited 115 patients in this study, with an average age of 52.14 ± 11.84 years. The level of stigma indicated correlations with all modules of the SF-36 scale. Specifically, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, role-emotional, and mental health modules had significant relationships with stigma (P < 0.05). Internalized stigma was significantly related to uremic pruritus and the duration of hemodialysis (P < 0.05). Enacted stigma revealed a significant relationship with uremic pruritus, the Beck Depression Inventory score, and the Beck Anxiety Inventory score (P < 0.05). Overall, stigma appears to exert negative impacts on the quality of life of patients undergoing incident hemodialysis. The occurrence of internalized stigma may be related to uremic pruritus and the duration of hemodialysis, while enacted stigma may be associated with uremic pruritus, depression, and anxiety.
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