The mind-body connection: Sleep disruptions, dream processes and their effect on psychosomatic disorders
Psychogenic fever and palpitations in a patient with autonomic nervous system dysfunction: A case report
Coping with fibromyalgia: What we have learned from hypnosis
An in-depth critical analysis of Morgellons: Delusion or disease?
Assessment tools and factors associated with relapse among patients with alcohol use disorders: A narrative review
Hypnosis as an effective psychosomatic intervention for globus pharyngeus: A case report
Advances in non-invasive neuromodulation techniques for geriatric depression: A comprehensive review
Menstrual psychosis and treatment: A case report and brief review
Coping with a crisis: The intersection between spirituality and social media
Biopsychosocial factors in cancer pain: A multidimensional evaluation of quality of life, mental health, and mortality