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Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry 

Submission Deadline: 31 December 2025
Special Issue Editors
Carmela Saturnino
Department of Science, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy

Pharmaceutical development; Pharmaceutical chemistry; Medicinal and Pharmaceutical chemistry; Antioxidant activity; Synthetic organic chemistry; Heterocyclic chemistry; Medicinal chemistry; Organic synthesis; Cytotoxicity; Synthesis

Federica Giuzio
Department of Sciences Bachelor of Medicine, Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Italy
Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues,

Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry is a synthetic organic chemical and pharmacological process used to design and synthesize drugs, pharmaceuticals and personal care products. The main goal of this topical collection is to provide information on the state-of-art in the field of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry in different areas of drug discovery and development with a focus on original omics research.

In particular, it is focused on the rational design of new organic and inorganic drugs, but also on organic synthesis and reactivity, antioxidant activity, the synthesis of new multifunctional polymeric, and nanostructured materials, advanced methodologies, and pharmaceutical technology in the chemical and chemical-pharmaceutical fields. Additionally, novel synthetic approaches for creation multi-target-directed-ligands (MTDL), as well as monotarget strategy for drug discovery will be discussed. Contemporary approaches for improvement and focusing drug delivery on specific targets and bioavailability of drug-candidates will be provided and analyzed.

The results reported in this topical collection will further support medicinal chemistry research to exploit the pharmaceutical potential of new chemical entities, providing comprehensive insights and fostering innovation and collaboration within the research community.

Medicinal Chemistry
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Drug Discovery
Drug Delivery
Antioxidant Activity
Organic Synthesis
Anti-Viral Agents
Published Paper (1 Paper)
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Innovative Medicines & Omics, Electronic ISSN: 3060-8740 Print ISSN: 3060-8910, Published by AccScience Publishing