Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
Synthesis of mesoporous materials and host-guest mesoporous nanocomposites; hierarchically micro-/mesoporous zeolite for large molecule-involved catalytic applications; mesoporous silica nanoparticles and related nanostructured nanocomposites for biomedical applications; upconversion nanoparticles and related nanostructures for biomedical applications

Department of Medical Science, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Biotechnology; clinical biochemistry; metabolomics; proteomics; peptidomics; mass spectrometry; biomarkers; bioinformatics; body fluids; head neck cancer; therapeutic peptides

1. Biobank of Research, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria di Bologna Policlinico di S. Orsola, Bologna, Italy;
2. Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Leukemia; Lymphoma; Targeted therapy; Molecular diagnostics; High throughput genomics; Transcriptomics; Digital pathology

Department of Chemistry, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-3071, USA
Methods development; high performance liquid chromatography; affinity chromatography; capillary electrophoresis; bio-separations; proteomics; carbohydrate analysis; immobilized enzymes used in separations

Department of Bacteriology, Mycology, and Immunology, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt
Microbiology; bacteriology; immunology; mycology; emerging MDR pathogens; antimicrobial resistance; food-borne pathogens; superbugs; virulence-determinants; bacterial enterotoxins; virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes; whole genome sequencing; mycotoxins; TLRs; cytokines

Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy
Flow cytometry; molecular cell biology; human induced pluripotent stem cells; tissue engineering; tissue regeneration; stem cell biology; cancer biology; natural killer cells; tumor immunology; metabolomics

Department of Clinical Oncology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong, China
Genomics; Proteomics; Drug repurposing; Bioinformatics; Next-generation sequencing; Cancer biomarker; Evidence-based medicine; Extracellular vesicles; MicroRNA; Molecular diagnostics; Non-coding RNAs; Nasopharyngeal carcinoma; Non-small cell lung cancer

Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Pharmacokinetics; Drug Delivery; Pharmaceutics; Pharmacology; Toxicology

MarSU · Institute of Natural Sciences and Pharmacy, Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola, Russian Federation
Mitochondria; membranes; bioenergetics; liposomes; lipids; cell signalling; diabetes; cancer; calcium; redox biology; Ros; oxidative phosphorylation; transport proteins; muscle biology; muscular dystrophies; mitochondrial pore

1. Department of Urology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, China;
2. Division of Surgery & Interventional Science, University College London, Gower St, London WC1E 6BT, UK
Circadian rhythm; nanomaterials; multi-omics; cancer rehabilitation

Full Professor of Clinical Pathology, Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Cardiovascular and atherothrombotic diseases; hereditary disorders of connective tissue; aortopathies; high throughput sequencing; genomics; transcriptomics; genetic and non genetic cardiovascular risk factors, diagnosis

Division of Research and Development, Pharmin USA, California, USA
Signal transduction; inflammation; nociception; musculoskeletal disorders; pain; especially in genomics approaches to measure biomarkers’ activities in osteoarthritis and psoriasis, novel therapeutic agents to help relieve joint and skin disease, inflammation and pain

Leicester School of Pharmacy, De Montfort University, Leicester LE1 9BH, UK
Bio- and chemometrics/metabolomics analysis (including NMR-based exploratory data analysis and pattern recognition techniques), including applications to dental diseases and oral health; bioinorganic chemistry and metallodrug design, development and actions; biomedical, bioanalytical and metabolomics investigations of oral diseases and thetherapeutic activities of oral healthcare products; the development and application of techniques for the monitoring of drugs of both clinical and forensic interest; synthesis, applications and mechanisms of action of drugs and metallodrugs; pharmacology and pharmacodynamics (both clinical and forensic aspects), including NMR-based explorations of drug metabolism; the biological and medicinal chemistry of reactive oxygen species (ROS), together with the detection and pathological significance of products derived from their reactions, both in vitro and in vivo

School of Molecular Sciences & College of Health Solutions, Arizona State University, Phoenix, USA
Metaproteomics of microbiome-environment interactions; identification of biomarkers of weight loss; characterization of denatured states of membrane proteins; understanding mechanisms of allostery in membrane receptors; NMR structural analysis of Uroplakin proteins and their interactions; biological language modeling of lipids and proteins

Centre for Genomics and Oncological Research, Pfizer-University of Granada-Andalusian Regional Government, Granada, Spain
Bioinformatics; Bioinformatics and Computational Biology; Next Generation Sequencing; R Programming; Genomics; Gene Regulation; Sequencing RNA; DNA Sequencing; DNA

Department of Neuroscience, Psychology, Drug Research and Child Health – NEUROFARBA, Pharmacology and Toxicology Section, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Preclinical and clinical pharmacology of anticancer drugs; cancer pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics; molecular mechanisms of tumor drug resistance

Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology, University of Florence, Italy
Personalized medicine; liquid biopsy: circulating tumor cell (CTC) and circulating DNA/RNA isolation and characterization pharmacogenomics; tumor DNA genotyping; DNA methylation; gene expression analysis; standardization: implementation of Cen and Iso technical standards on pre-analytical phase for molecular studies

Department of Science, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
Pharmaceutical development; Pharmaceutical chemistry; Medicinal and Pharmaceutical chemistry; Antioxidant activity; Synthetic organic chemistry; Heterocyclic chemistry; Medicinal chemistry; Organic synthesis; Cytotoxicity; Synthesis

Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine (MTM), Texas Tech University Health Science Center El Paso, El Paso Drive, USA
Molecular genetics; angiogenesis; next generation sequencing cloning; genetics; transcriptomics; epigenetics; gel electrophoresis; cell biology; human genetics; composites; biochemistry

Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China
Material basis and action mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine and its compounds based on metabonomics; discovery and modification of active natural products with novel structures