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Bioprinting in the Americas

Submission Deadline: 15 March 2019
Special Issue Editors
Mario Moisés Alvarez
Departamento de Ingeniería Mecatrónica y Eléctrica, Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, NL, México

POC systems; Biomedical devices; Micro and nanotechnologies in biomedicine; Tissue engineering; Organ-on-chip; Bioprinting; Recombinant biomaterials; Biopharmaceutical compounds

Ming Leu
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, United States

Innovative smart & additive manufacturing

Special Issue Information
Published Paper (2 Papers)

Bioprinting with human stem cell-laden alginate-gelatin bioink and bioactive glass for tissue engineering

Krishna C. R. Kolan, Julie A. Semon, Bradley Bromet, Delbert E. Day, Ming C. Leu
International Journal of Bioprinting 2019, 5(2), 204
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Bioprinting in the Americas)

Analysis of the knowledge landscape of three-dimensional bioprinting in Latin America

Marisela Rodríguez-Salvador, Diego Villarreal-Garza, Mario Moisés Álvarez, Grissel Trujillo-de Santiago
International Journal of Bioprinting 2019, 5(2), 240
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Bioprinting in the Americas)
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International Journal of Bioprinting, Electronic ISSN: 2424-8002 Print ISSN: 2424-7723, Published by AccScience Publishing