Artificial intelligence; Autonomous systems; Bioengineering; Brain-computer interface; Computer vision; Human-computer interaction; Real-time & embedded systems; Robotics; Scientific computing & simulation; Spatial & geographic information systems
Additive manufacturing; Laser processing; Materials engineering; Near net shape forming; Data capture, Analysis and control; AI for process and part design
Artificial intelligence for design; Smart product service system; Cross-device interaction; Product innovation strategy
Soft computing algorithms; Data mining and machine learning; Deep learning; knowledge discovery; Optimization problems; Pervasive computing; Trustworthiness modeling; High performance machines; Parallel computing; Big data analytics
Computational design; AI-based design; Neuro-symbolic AI; 4D printing; Multi-material additive manufacturing; Active composite structures
AI for energy system; Data mining and machine learning; Building energy saving and intelligent control; Data science
Design for additive manufacturing; Generative design; FEA; Biomimetics and bioinspiration; Materials science and technology; Biomaterials; Material characterization; Concrete technologies; Biomechanical engineering; Nanomaterials synthesis; Polymeric materials
Machine learning for manufacturing & materials; Machine learning for additive manufacturing; Powder metallurgy; Bio-medical 3D printing; Meniscus-guided printing; Printed electronics
Additive manufacturing; AI and machine learning for design and manufacturing; Cyber-physical systems; Data fusion and integration; Digital twins; Physics-informed data-driven modeling; Semiconductor manufacturing
Biomaterials; Regenerative medicine; 3D printing; Bioprinting
Machine Learning; Finite element simulation; Constitutive model; Damage model; Fatigue model; Phase field model; Nanoindentation; Crystal plasticity; Electronic packaging; Heterogeneity
Design science; Mechanical engineering; Artificial intelligence; Bio-inspired design; Complexity science; Design theory and methodology; Urban mobility; Sustainable design; Innovation and entrepreneurship; Economics and public policy
AI for the design of customized and sustainable products; services and systems; multidisciplinary design optimization; Data driven modeling and simulation; Design for 3D printing; Digital twins.
Additive manufacturing; Mechanistic modeling; Heat transfer and fluid flow; Metallurgy; Residual stress; Distortion; Defects
Laser-based fabrication of medical devices; Nanostructured biomaterials; Drug delivery; Laser processing of nanostructured and microstructured biomaterials
Materials informatics; Multiscale materials modeling; Statistical Mechanics; Alloy composition search and machine learning; Machine learning of strain images; Machine learning of interatomic potentials
Control structures and algorithms including conventional control; Fuzzy control; Data-driven control; Model-free control; Sliding mode control; Neuro-fuzzy control; Theory and applications of soft computing and machine learning; Systems modelling; Identification and optimization (including nature-inspired algorithms); Computer-aided design of control systems; Applications to mechatronics systems (including automotive systems and mobile robots); Embedded systems; Control of power plants; Servo systems; Electrical driving systems
Additive manufacturing; 3D printing; 3D bioprinting; Powder bed fusion; Selective laser melting
Separations; Membranes; Polymers; Chemical engineering; Process engineering; Nanofiltration; Machine learning; Sustainability; Green chemistry and engineering
Additive manufacturing, In-situ monitoring and control of additive manufacturing processes, Modeling, Artificial intelligence
Metal additive manufacturing; Artificial intelligence; Phase transformation and deformation; Metallic powder; High-throughput microstructure analysis; Novel structure design and optimization; Grain boundary engineering
Sensors; Integrated sensors; Intelligent sensor system; Gas sensors; Sensing materials
Additive manufacturing; Machine learning; Alloy design; Process optimization; Modeling
Deep learning; Multi-scale modeling; Phase-field modeling; Crystal plasticity; Fracture; Reliability