Polyvictimization and suicidal ideations/behaviors among college students: Examining protective factors of resilience and social support

By applying the Schematic Appraisals Model of Suicide, this study examined whether resilience mediates and perceived social support moderates the relationship between polyvictimization and suicidal thoughts/behaviors among college students. The study included 790 college students (71% female), whose ages ranged from 18 to 31 years. Their racial demographics included White (472; 55%), African American (128; 17%), Hispanic (94; 12%), and others (125; 16%). Models 4 and 5 from PROCESS Macro 4.2 in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 29.0 were used to test the mediation and moderation effects. The results indicated a positive association between polyvictimization and suicidal thoughts/behaviors. Resilience exhibited an indirect association between polyvictimization and suicidal thoughts/behaviors. Specifically, if polyvictimized college students have higher levels of resilience, they are less likely to experience suicidal thoughts/behaviors. Perceived social support as a moderator explained the association between polyvictimization and suicidal thoughts/behaviors. This result suggests that when individuals who experience polyvictimization receive social support, they are less likely to have suicidal thoughts/behaviors. For polyvictimized college students, both resilience and perceived social support can serve as protective factors against suicidal thoughts/behaviors. This study offers insights for implementing campus-wide intervention programs to enhance college students’ resilience and interaction skills, thus contributing to preventing suicidal thoughts/behaviors among polyvictimized individuals.
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