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Advances in the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy

Submission Deadline: 31 December 2024
Special Issue Editors
Michele Roccella
Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, University of Palermo, Italy

Neurology and child and adolescent psychiatry; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Encephalopathies; Epilepsies; Neuromuscular diseases; Sleep disorders; Rare denetic syndromes; Neuropsychological disorders

Luigi Vetri
Oasi Research Institute-IRCCS, Troina, Italy

Epilepsy; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Epilepsy; Autism; Intellectual disability; Primary headache; Rare genetic syndromes; Neuropsychological disorders; Psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents

Special Issue Information

Epilepsy is a group of neurological disorders characterized by recurrent epileptic seizures due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Epilepsy has numerous etiologies, some of which have yet to be fully elucidated. The complex phenotypes of people with epilepsy are often complicated by the presence of psychiatric and medical comorbidities. Several diseases, including depression, anxiety, dementia, migraine, heart disease, peptic ulcers, and arthritis, are more common in people with epilepsy than in the general population. Many patients often report cognitive problems.

This Special Issue will collect new evidence about the genetic and environmental etiological factors of epilepsy, new diagnosis strategies, new developments in management and treatment, as well as innovative insights on the neuropsychological and cognitive implications of epilepsy.

Epileptic encephalopathies
Antiepileptic drugs
Quality of life
Published Paper (2 Papers)

Unraveling genetic contributions to neurodevelopmental disorders and epilepsy in a pediatric cohort from a Mexican state

Norma Elena de León-Ojeda, Adonis Estévez-Perera, Alioth Guerrero-Aranda
Advanced Neurology 2024, 3(2), 3359
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy)

mTOR inhibition in epilepsy: A literature review

Lip-Yuen Teng, Min Jung Chang, Se Hee Kim
Advanced Neurology 2024, 3(3), 3568
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy)
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Advanced Neurology, Electronic ISSN: 2810-9619 Print ISSN: 3060-8589, Published by AccScience Publishing