AccScience Publishing / AC / Online First / DOI: 10.36922/ac.3481

Kenneth Jack and rural towns: Australian socialist realist art (or just a less bitter pill to swallow)?

Kieran Edmond James1*
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1 School of Business and Creative Industries, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, Renfrewdhire, Scotland, United Kingdom
Submitted: 23 April 2024 | Accepted: 5 June 2024 | Published: 9 October 2024
© 2024 by the Author(s). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution -Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC-by the license) ( )

Early Australian artists of European extraction had to wrestle with the vast, inhospitable climate of inland Australia, unfamiliar animals and plants, and harsh sunlight. To a greater or lesser extent, especially Boyd and Drysdale, they also considered the Aboriginal inhabitants and how Europeans’ grip on the land and their understanding of it always paled in comparison with theirs, leaving the Europeans the ones out of place, infringing on a complex culture. Here, I use Marxist theories of ideology and art to examine the work of Kenneth Jack, an Australian realist painter of rural towns. His reassuring images are not confrontational, unlike those of Boyd and Drysdale. They can be ideological by pointing to an apparently timeless and tranquil midday peace, free from urban stressors and manufacturing and architectural blight. As with poet Banjo Paterson, they create a discourse that raises up life in “the bush.” These images can function as ideology where rural communities and services appear to be underappreciated and under threat. It is a conservative vision as the absence of people and vehicles reminds us, perhaps paradoxically, of romanticized rural communities just out of the painter’s sight.

Australian art
Kenneth Jack
Lenin on Tolstoy
Marxist theory of art
Marxist theory of ideology
Socialist realism
Conflict of interest
The author declares that he has no competing interests.
  1. Jack K. Longreach Railway Station. Queensland: Paintings and Drawings, with an Introduction by Fred McKay C.M.G. Bowen Hills, Brisbane: Boolarong Press; 1994. p. 76.


  1. Jack. Innisfail. Queensland. p. 29.


  1. Jack. An example is Innisfail. Queensland. p. 29.


  1. Jack. An exception is Barrier Reef Hotel, Cairns. Queensland. That appears to depict three Aboriginal Persons. p. 18.


  1. Jack. One exception is Herberton. Queensland. p. 24.


  1. Jack. Queensland. p. 5.


  1. Clark TJ. Preliminary Arguments: Work of Art and Ideology. In: Paper Presented to the Marxism and Art History Session of the College Art Association Meeting, Chicago, 1976. Los Angeles: Caucus for Marxism and Art; 1977. p. 3.


  1. Wolff J. The Social Production of Art. 2nd ed. Basingstoke and London: Macmillan; 1993. p. 49. (Original work published 1981).


  1. Wolff. The Social Production of Art. p. 87, 168.


  1. Allen C. Art in Australia: From Colonization to Postmodernism. London: Thames and Hudson; 1997. p. 140.


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 140.


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 152.


  1. Eagleton T. Marxism and Literary Criticism, with a New Preface by the Author. London and New York: Routledge; 2002. p. 5. (Original work published 1976).


  1. Poster M. Foucault, Marxism and History: Mode of Production Versus Mode of Information. Cambridge: Polity Press; 1984. p. 117.


  1. Marx K. Preface to A contribution to the critique of political economy. In: Borodulina T, editor. On Historical Materialism. Moscow: Progress Publishers; 1972. p. 136- 140, 138. (Original work published 1859).


  1. Threadgold T. Introduction. In: Threadgold T, Cranny- Francis A, editors. Feminine Masculine and Representation. North Sydney: Allen and Unwin; 1990. p. 1-35, 18.


  1. Eagleton. Marxism and Literary Criticism. p. 9.


  1. Wolff. The Social Production of Art. p. 119.


  1. Wolff. The Social Production of Art. p. 87, 127, 128.


  1. Wolff. The Social Production of Art. p. 87, 127.


  1. Eagleton. Marxism and Literary Criticism. p. 28.


  1. Althusser L. Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays. B Brewster (Trans.). New York: Modern Review Press; 2001. (Original work published 1970).


  1. Williams R. Art Theory: An Historical Introduction. Malden, MA and Oxford: Blackwell; 2004. p. 230.


  1. Marx K, Engels FE. Letter to Minna Kautsky dated 26 November 1885. Literature and Art: Selections from their Writings. New York: International Publishers; 1947. p. 45.


  1. Lenin VI. On Literature and Art. Breinigsville, PA: Wildside Press; 2011. p. 30.


  1. Lenin. On Literature and Art. p. 55.


  1. Marx K, Engels F. The German ideology. In: Borodulina T, editor. On Historical Materialism. Moscow: Progress Publishers; 1972. p. 14-76, 44. (Original work published 1932).


  1. Rothenberg J. Sociology Looks at the Arts. New York and London: Routledge; 2014. p. 247.


  1. Poster. Foucault, Marxism and History. p. 76.


  1. Poster. Foucault, Marxism and History. p. 153.


  1. Iser W. The Act of Reading: A Theory of Aesthetic Responses. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul; 1978. p. 21. (Original German work published 1976).


  1. Hawthorn JM. Identity and Relationship: A Contribution to Marxist Theory of Literary Criticism. London: Lawrence & Wishart; 1973. p. 156, 172, 177.


  1. Weimann R. Structure and Society in Literary History: Studies in the History and Theory of Historical Criticism. London: Lawrence & Wishart; 1977. p. 4, 5, 10, 51.


  1. Wolff. The Social Production of Art. p. 114.


  1. Marx K. Grundrisse. Harmondsworth: Penguin; 1973. p. 91. (Original German work published 1939).


  1. Wolff. The Social Production of Art. p. 95, 114-115.


  1. Wolff. The Social Production of Art. p. 140.


  1. Gutting G. Introduction. In: Gutting G, editor. The Cambridge Companion to Foucault. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1994. p. 1-27.


  1. Gutting. Introduction.


  1. Gutting. Introduction. p. 16.


  1. Davidson A. Ethics as ascetics: Foucault, The history of ethics, and ancient thought. In: Gutting G, editor. The Cambridge Companion to Foucault. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1994. p. 115-140, 126.


  1. Foucault M. The Essential Foucault: Selections from Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984. New York: The New Press; 2003. p. 94. (Original work published 1994).


  1. Eagleton. Marxism and Literary Criticism. p. 26.


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 142.


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 12-13.


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 13.


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 68.


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 90.


  1. Wolff. The Social Production of Art. p. 124, 127.


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 66-86.


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 81.


  1. Burn I. Beating about the bush: The landscapes of the Heidelberg School. In: Bradley A, Smith T, editors. Australian Art and Architecture: Essays Presented to Bernard Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1980. p. 83-98, 83.


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 82.


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 82, 85, 91.


  1. Jack. Queensland.


  1. Jack. Queensland. p. 49.


  1. Wolff. The Social Production of Art. p. 126.


  1. Rothenberg. Sociology Looks at the Arts. p. 247.



  1. Foucault M. Michel Foucault - Power/knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972–77. New York: Vintage; 1980. p. 219-220.


  1. Adorno TW. The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture. London and New York: Routledge; 1991.


  1. See Jack. Queensland. p. 23, 25.


  1. Eagleton. Marxism and Literary Criticism. p. 32-33.


  1. Rothenberg. Sociology Looks at the Arts. p. 78.


  1. Bourdieu P. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, R Nice (trans). London: Routledge and Kegan Paul; 1984.


  1. For example, Mid-day, Cracow, in Jack, Queensland. p. 49.


  1. For example, Quiet Noon, Winton, in Jack, Queensland. p. 85.


  1. Jack. Queensland. p. 85.


  1. Quiet Noon, Winton, in Jack, Queensland. p. 85.


  1. For example, Longreach Railway Station.


  1. For example, Mid-day, Cracow.


  1. See Heidelberg School work such as Frederick McCubbin’s The Pioneer from 1904, in Allen, Art in Australia. p. 80.


  1. On The Pioneer, see also National Gallery of Victoria. Frederick McCubbin The Pioneer 1904. National Gallery of Victoria. Available from: frederick-mccubbin-the-pioneer-1904 [Last accessed on 2024 May 11].


  1. Wilson C. Highland Depopulation Masterplan Launched today by SNP. Herald Scotland; 2024. Available from: [Last accessed on 2024 May 11].


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 42.


  1. Wolff. The Social Production of Art. p. 93-94.


  1. Foucault M. Ethics: Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984. Vol. 1. London: Penguin Books; 1997. (Original work published 1994)


  1. Rabinow P. Introduction: The history of systems of thought. In: Ethics: Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984. Vol. 1. London: Penguin; 1997. p. i-xLii.


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 60.


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 35.


  1. Allen, Art in Australia. p. 66.


  1. Allen. Art in Australia. p. 68.


  1. Williams. Art Theory. p. 252.


  1. Williams. Art Theory. p. 244-252.


  1. Midday. End of Main Street, McKinlay, see Jack, Queensland. p. 9.



  1. Avery B. Detectives Search Property Linked to South Australian Missing Girls Cold Case. Channel Nine News Australia; 2014. Available from: au/national/detectives-search-property-linked-to-south-australian-missing-girls-cold-case/cf53de89-c0ea-47eb-a470-6b7ac02e60fa [Last accessed on 2024 May 11].


  1. McNab H. Cold Case Breakthrough: Property Owned by Accused Paedophile’s Grandfather Linked to the Disappearance of Two Children 41 Years Ago. Daily Mail; 2014. Available from: Cold-case-breakthrough-Property-owned-accused-paedophile-s-grandfather-linked-disappearance-two-children-41-years-ago.html [Last accessed on 2024 May 11].


  1. Littlely B. Cold Case: Fresh Leads in 1973 Adelaide Oval Abduction Links Key suspect to Abandoned Prospect Home with an Underground Bunker. Adelaide Advertiser; 2015. Available from: south-australia/cold-case-fresh-leads-in-1973-adelaide-oval-abduction-links-key-suspect-to-abandoned-prospect-home-with-an-underground-bunker/news-story/ a20c5f0e8db7de5c81c22ff316971a30 [Last accessed on 2024 May 11].


  1. Avery B. Adelaide Oval Abduction witness Recounts Chilling Details for First Time. Channel Nine News Australia; 2023. Available from: south-australia-abduction-50-years-joanne-ratcliffe-kirste-gordon-witness-speaks-first-time/26032b42-7549-466c- 875f-cacc265eba5f [Last accessed on 2024 May 11].


  1. Avery B, Meacham S. Sister of Adelaide Oval Abduction Victim knows in ‘‘Heart of Hearts’ the Perpetrator. Channel Nine News Australia. Available from: https://www.9news. 99b22e0c6daa [Last accessed on 2024 May 11].


  1. Rothenberg. Sociology looks at the Arts. p. 96.


  1. Rothenberg. Sociology looks at the Arts. p. 95.


  1. Williams. Art Theory. p. 265.


  1. Tolstoy L. Anna Karenina. London: Penguin Classics; 2002. (Original work published 1878)


  1. Lenin. On Literature and Art. p. 54-55.
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Arts & Communication, Electronic ISSN: 2972-4090 Published by AccScience Publishing