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With the rapid development of different disciplines, we have set up Column to deeply explore, comprehensively report, and focus on highly innovative and highly academically valuable scientific research results in the research fields covered by each journal. Column brings together the best topics selected by the Editor-in-Chief’s and Editorial Board’s teams based on the future academic trends and the latest research hotspots of different disciplines around the world to publish high-quality scientific research and academic results after soliciting contributions and rigorous peer review.
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Art Market
Summary: This special issue series uniquely combines different perspectives and different methodological approaches on a variety of current issues in the global art market, contributed by a variety of international as well as Chinese scholars in different disciplines in the humanities applied to the study of the art market. It emerges a rich picture of topical scholarship encompassing digital technologies, gatekeeping and marketing, legislation and taxation, art value, connoisseurship and individual and institutional collecting, clusters, macroeconomic, geopolitical and social trends.
Release Date: 2024
Music Art
Summary: Music is everywhere to be heard. This special issue series focuses on scientific research and applied academic achievements in music. It covers the creation of music, music therapy, music history, music education, and many other aspects. The creation of music is commonly divided into musical composition, musical improvisation, and musical performance. Learn and explore the history of music in different regions or different periods. Music therapy could help people improve their mental health.
Release Date: 2023
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Arts & Communication, Electronic ISSN: 2972-4090 Published by AccScience Publishing