Research on impact resistance of AlSi7Mg uniform and gradient porous structures manufactured by laser powder bed fusion

Triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMSs) have the advantage of energy absorption (EA) in automotive, aerospace, and military applications. In this study, uniform and gradient TPMS sandwich structures were prepared by laser powder bed fusion technique, and the effects of cell size and gradient type on the deformation and EA of the structures at different impact velocities were investigated based on drop hammer impact tests. The results indicate that, among the uniform TPMS sandwich structures, the structure with a smaller cell size exhibits higher EA and peak impact force, providing greater impact strength. In contrast, the structure with a larger cell size has a lower peak acceleration, which is suitable for vibration damping. The gradient distribution effectively disperses the impact capacity to obtain a higher impact strength; thus, the sine gradient (G-sineI) structure has the best impact resistance. This work validated the superior EA of gradient TPMS structures and presented a corresponding design method and impact performance evaluation for these structures.
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