Respiratory virus infection; Immunity research; Antibody drug development
Theoretical Population Genetics; Mathematical and Computational Biology; Molecular Evolution; Coalescent Theory; Population Dynamics; Adaptive Evolution; Applied Stochastic Modeling in Biology; Genomic Epidemiology; Forensic Genomics
Genomics; Proteomics; Drug Repurposing and Bioinformatics; Next-Generation Sequencing; Cancer Biomarker; Evidence-based Medicine; Extracellular Vesicles; MicroRNA; Molecular Diagnostics; Non-coding RNAs; Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma; Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Molecular epidemiology of Streptococcus pneumoniae; Group B Streptococcus, MRSA; Antimicrobial resistance of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) and resistome; Application of new diagnostics and treatment, modulation of microbiota
Nanotechnology in drug delivery; Bacteriophages
Influenza control; T cell immunity to emerging and re-emerging viruses; Molecular mechanism of immune recognition
Cirrhosis; COVID-19; Liver regeneration; Transplantation immunology
anti-inflammatory; Immunomodulatory medicinal plants; in vitro biological assessment
Pharmaceutical Development; Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Antioxidant Activity; Synthetic Organic Chemistry; Heterocyclic Chemistry; Medicinal Chemistry; Organic Synthesis; Cytotoxicity; Synthesis
gender/sex differences in atherosclerotic vascular diseases; mapping of exposures and lung function in real time in patients with work-related asthma
Urologic Cancers; Prostatic Diseases