Potential antiviral and immunomodulatory activity of Amazonian medicinal plant compounds
The role of Lactobacillus in combination with Bifidobacterium strains in mitigating obesity-related effects: A systematic review of studies in mice and humans
Glancing back at SARS-CoV-2: Serological classification
Diversity of human papillomavirus-16 L1 in the Asian region: A comparative analysis of sequences
The application of a herpes simplex virus Type I vector for transgenic therapy
Hypochlorous acid: A multifaceted and promising therapeutic perspective against human immunodeficiency virus
The multifaceted health benefits of honey: A natural antimicrobial, antioxidant, and complementary therapeutic agent

Mx. BIOME: A bioinformatics and big data analysis platform in a data explosion era
Unraveling complex interactions between microbiota and immune system
SRCR proteins uncovered: Their crucial role in inflammation