Advances in non-invasive neuromodulation techniques for geriatric depression: A comprehensive review

The gradual aging of the global population is increasing the prevalence of geriatric depression, a severe mental disorder that imposes a significant burden on individuals and society. Conventional treatments such as pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, given their considerable side effects and slow onset of action, are challenging to implement in the older population. This highlights the need for new, safer, and more effective approaches for treating depression. In recent years, non-invasive neurostimulation techniques have shown significant advantages in treating depression, offering new options for addressing late-life depression. This review summarizes the research progress in the use of non-invasive neurostimulation methods such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), bright light therapy (BLT), transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS), music therapy, and transcranial ultrasonography for treating depression. Evidence indicates that ECT is crucial in rapidly combating depression. rTMS and tDCS not only alleviate depressive symptoms but also improve cognitive function. Given their low-risk profile, BLT and tVNS may have specific therapeutic effects on alleviating chronic depression. Although music therapy and transcranial ultrasonography show potential value in treating depression, further evidence is needed from mechanistic and clinical studies for appropriate evaluation. This review comprehensively evaluates the characteristics of various non-invasive neurostimulation techniques in treating late-life depression and suggests that future research should involve large-sample, multicenter collaborative clinical studies to provide scientific guidance for using neurostimulation techniques in treating late-life depression.
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