Theoretical models, mechanisms, assessment methods, and intervention strategies for test anxiety: A narrative review

This study systematically explores the complexities of test anxiety and its effects on students’ academic performance. Test anxiety is an immediate response to external stress and is closely linked to intrinsic factors such as personality traits, perfectionism, and metacognitive beliefs. These factors play crucial roles in the development and persistence of anxiety, particularly cognitive worry and intrusive thoughts, that significantly moderate the relationship between perceived control and academic outcomes. Moreover, this study evaluates various interventions for reducing test anxiety such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, imagery reframing, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, and biofeedback devices. Although these interventions have proven effective, their impact varies across discrete cultural contexts, educational levels, and individual traits; therefore, more personalized and adaptable strategies are needed. Moreover, the potential of pharmacological approaches such as prescribing placebos presents new opportunities for clarifying the psychological mechanisms of test anxiety and integrating these findings into practical treatments. Nevertheless, research gaps remain, particularly regarding causal relationships between test anxiety and academic performance. Anxiety is often viewed to cause poor performance, but the reverse can also occur. Future investigations should delve deeper into these dynamics and contemplate the roles of family and school environments, which are often overlooked. The sustainability and effectiveness of interventions can be enhanced by integrating family therapy with school collaborations. In summary, this study advances the existing knowledge of test anxiety and offers valuable insights for future investigations and interventions. It also emphasizes the need for optimized assessment tools and real-time, adaptive interventions to improve students’ academic resilience and performance.
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