Magnetic field diffusion in ferromagnetic materials: fractional calculus approaches
The paper addresses diffusion approximations of magnetic field penetration of ferromagnetic materials with emphasis on fractional calculus applications and relevant approximate solutions. Examples with applications of time-fractional semi-derivatives and singular kernel models (Caputo time fractional operator) in cases of field independent and field-dependent magnetic diffusivities have been developed: Dirichlet problems and time-dependent boundary condition (power-law ramp). Approximate solutions in all theses case have been developed by applications of the integral-balance method and assumed parabolic profile with unspecified exponents. Tow version of the integral method have been successfully implemented: SDIM (single integration applicable to timefractional semi-derivative model) and DIM (double-integration model to fractionalized singular memory models). The fading memory approach in the sense of the causality concept and memory kernel effect on the model constructions have been discussed.
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