AccScience Publishing / IJB / Volume 10 / Issue 1 / DOI: 10.36922/ijb.0146

3D-bioprinted cell-laden hydrogel with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activities for tracheal cartilage regeneration and restoration

Pengli Wang1 Tao Wang1 Yong Xu1* Nan Song1* Xue Zhang2*
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1 Department of Thoracic Surgery, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200430, China
2 Dermatology Center, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200092, China
IJB 2024, 10(1), 0146
Submitted: 27 April 2023 | Accepted: 28 May 2023 | Published: 13 July 2023
© 2023 by the Author(s). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( )

Despite the notable advances in tissue-engineered tracheal cartilage (TETC), there remain several challenges that need to be addressed, such as uneven cell distribution for cartilage formation, customized C-shaped tracheal morphology, local inflammatory reactions, and infections. To overcome these challenges, this study proposed the addition of icariin (ICA) and chitosan (CS) into a gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) hydrogel to develop a new ICA/CS/GelMA hydrogel with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, and three-dimensional (3D)-bioprinting feasibility. The aim of this study was to construct a TETC, a customized C-shaped cartilage structure, with uniform chondrocyte distribution as well as anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial functions. Our results confirmed that ICA/CS/GelMA hydrogel provides desirable rheological properties, suitable printability, favorable biocompatibility, and simulated microenvironments for chondrogenesis. Moreover, the addition of ICA stimulated chondrocyte proliferation, extracellular matrix synthesis, and anti-inflammatory ability, while the encapsulation of CS enhanced the hydrogels’ anti-bacterial ability. All these led to the formation of an enhanced TETC after submuscular implantation and an elevated survival rate of experimental rabbits after orthotopic tracheal transplantation. This study provides a reliable cell-laden hydrogel with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activities, suitable printability, and significant advancements in in vivo cartilage regeneration and in situ tracheal cartilage restoration.

3D bioprinting
Cartilage regeneration
Tracheal restoration
The research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (82102348) and the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai (22YF1437400).
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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International Journal of Bioprinting, Electronic ISSN: 2424-8002 Print ISSN: 2424-7723, Published by AccScience Publishing