Artificial intelligence (AI) is often linked to machine learning, neural networks, machine vision or even automation. The premise of AI is that the machine can solve a given problem by itself, with minimal human intervention, based on data and previous experiences. Additive manufacturing (AM), as defined by the ISO/ASTM standards, is a group of manufacturing techniques that fabricate parts from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer as opposed to subtractive and formative manufacturing methodologies.
Due to the digital thread in AM, they are inherently suited to be integrated with Al, from the pre-process to the actual 3D printing and finally, the post-processing.
Machine learning applications for quality improvement in laser powder bed fusion: A state-of-the-art review
Prediction of wall geometry for cold-metal-transfer-based wire-arc additive manufacturing
Layer porosity in powder-bed fusion prediction using regression machine learning models and time-series features
Machine-learned molecular modeling of ruthenium: A Kolmogorov-Arnold Network approach