Layer porosity in powder-bed fusion prediction using regression machine learning models and time-series features

Additive manufacturing (AM) using laser powder-bed fusion (L-PBF) has become a common industrial process for high-end component production. The uptake of the process has been accelerated through the broad acceptance of the L-PBF process toward achieving high-quality parts with complex geometry. However, the L-PBF process faces challenges from the process’s sensitivity to the process build parameters, which, when incorrectly set, can cause defects such as porosity, which in turn have a detrimental effect on the produced part properties. On the other hand, the AM processing equipment generates a vast amount of data captured through in situ sensors such as pyrometers and imaging cameras. Having such an abundance of process data facilitates the employment of advanced machine learning (ML) tools to understand and extract patterns and information about the underlying AM process and gain “predictive control.” Driven by this idea, we aimed to employ ML tools over pyrometer time-series data from an L-PBF process to predict the porosity percentage of layers of an AM-built part. Sensor data are naturally modeled by time series; however, most ML algorithms work with tabular data (i.e., one single vector describes a feature). In the work presented here, feature engineering tools were used to transform the time-series data into informative features. These features were fed into the tabular ML algorithms for evaluation, broadening the selection of ML algorithms available in the literature. It was hypothesized that the time-series summary features would capture the interaction of melt-pool temperature with resulting porosity, from which the resulting models could better predict porosity occurrence. The dataset contains layer porosity values in the range of 0.00175 – 7.160%, to which we divide the data into “low” and “high” porous layers using a splitting threshold value of 1%. From evaluating these algorithms, it was concluded that classifying “low” versus “high” porosity layers is relatively easier than predicting the layer’s porosity percentage.

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