The impact of PTSD on memory and cognition

An earthquake devastated northern Pakistan on October 08, 2005, significantly affecting the mental health of the victims. Although post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) rates were noted to change, no official study has quantified its prevalence following this disaster. This study examines the relationship between PTSD symptoms and memory functions in child and adolescent earthquake survivors, focusing on those attending schools in the affected areas. Participants first completed a self-assessment PTSD questionnaire, followed a week later by the Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test. Subsequently, the Children and War Foundation’s “Writing for Recovery” manual (April 2008 version) were implemented. The PTSD questionnaire and memory test were then re-administered to evaluate intervention outcomes. Results revealed that all three groups, control (A) and earthquake survivors (B and C), improved memory test scores after the intervention. However, control group A consistently outperformed groups B and C. PTSD symptoms in groups B and C decreased after applying the intervention, while no change was observed in the control group A. These findings highlight significant correlations between trauma and the severity of PTSD in adolescents. Adolescents exposed to trauma (groups B and C) demonstrated poorer memory functions compared to peers without PTSD (group A). Furthermore, the “Writing for Recovery” intervention effectively reduced PTSD symptoms and improved memory performance in earthquake survivors. This study underscores the critical impact of PTSD on neurological cognition and memory in young populations following natural disasters and demonstrates the potential benefits of targeted psychological interventions for trauma recovery.
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