COVID-19 and youth volunteering: Trajectory and structure of India’s National Service Scheme

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic had a significant impact on people worldwide, including in India, where disadvantaged and marginalized populations reliant on institutional support were worse affected. In this context, healthcare and sanitation workers played a crucial role in addressing pressing health and sanitation needs. India’s National Service Scheme (NSS) fosters youth leadership through various programs and activities, with volunteering being a core component of its social services since its establishment. Conventionally, the NSS has been engaged in raising awareness about health issues and promoting community development; however, its visibility and effectiveness were diminished during the pandemic. This situation prompts an examination of the preparedness and capacity of NSS volunteers to effectively respond to community needs and manage health crises. Good health and well-being is one of the sustainable development goals, and the United Nations recognizes that achieving these goals is challenging without the active participation of youth. This study uses the institutional change model to analyze the current framework and roles of the NSS, exploring the potential of institutional and policy reforms in enhancing the participation of NSS youth volunteers in public health efforts, especially in tackling issues such as COVID-19. In addition, the study offers perspectives on current weaknesses in the organization, mobilization, and training of youth as a cohesive unit within community health systems, which may prevent them from responding effectively during times of crisis.
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