Functional profile of patients with heart failure followed up in a referral ambulatory in southern Brazil

Heart failure (HF) is a complex clinical syndrome, and its prevalence has been increasing in recent years. Despite advancements in pharmacological therapy, symptoms such as fatigue, dyspnea, and exercise intolerance are still likely to persist over time. Therefore, functional evaluation is crucial for treating patients with HF and improving their prognosis. This cross-sectional study aimed to identify the functional profile of patients with HF who were followed up at a referral ambulatory clinic in southern Brazil. In total, 51 patients with HF were treated in an outpatient setting. Functional capacity was assessed using the 6-min walk test, dynamometry, 30s sit-and-stand test, and manovacuometry (maximum inspiratory pressure [MIP] and maximum expiratory pressure [MEP]). The Minnesota Living with HF Questionnaire was used to assess the quality of life (QOL). The sample mostly comprised men (72.5%), with an average age of 48.2 ± 12.4 years. Cardiomyopathy (62.7%) was the most predominant etiology. A reduced left ventricular ejection fraction was prevalent in 94.1% of individuals and New York Heart Association functional class II and III HF in 62.8%. The most predominant risk factors were systemic arterial hypertension (60.8%), sedentary lifestyle (80.4%), obesity (41.2%), and smoking (41.2%). The most used medications were beta-blockers (94.1%), antihypertensives (52.9%), diuretics (100%), antiarrhythmics (64.7%), and angiotensin II blockers (68.6%). The average distance covered in 6MWT (Six Minute Walk Test) was 429.8 ± 96.7 m. The MIP and MEP reduced to 79.6% and 92.6% of the predicted distance, respectively. The right-hand grip strength (39 ± 11 kg) and left-hand grip strength (36 ± 10 kg) and the sit-and-stand test in 30s (30CST) (9.8 ± 2.3 repetitions) also decreased. HF had a moderate impact on QOL (46.6 ± 24.6 points). Individuals with HF have a reduced functional capacity in terms of respiratory and peripheral muscle strength, which moderately impacts QOL.
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