Visualizing the association between climate change and quality of life

This research delves into the global impact of climate change on quality of life. Drawing on country-level data from the World Bank, we utilize visual analytics to examine the association between key climate change indicators such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane emissions, PM2.5 (fine particulate matter) air pollution, annual freshwater withdrawal and quality-of-life variables such as child mortality, immunization against measles, school enrollment, gross domestic product (GDP) growth, unemployment, and others. Key findings suggest CO2 emissions declined in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Overall, CO2 emissions appear to be associated with GDP growth, implying that developed countries are responsible for the overall higher emissions as a result of industrialization. CO2 emissions are also associated with higher unemployment, signaling that health issues are likely causing absenteeism and staying away from jobs. Finally, CO2 emission is associated with higher air pollution and higher under-five mortality rates. Simultaneously, immunization rates appear to decline. Another significant finding is that higher air pollution is associated with higher child mortality, particularly in South Asia and Sub-Saharan regions. Generally, emissions and pollution have an adverse impact on quality of life indicators, affirming the urgent need to mitigate climate change. The results aim to foster an understanding of the multifaceted effects of climate change and to support the development of effective policies to bolster resilience and improve life quality in the face of environmental shifts.
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