Are random price generators useful for health policy processes and analysis? effectiveness of random price generators in health policy processes and analysis

This paper discusses why using random price generators in an economic model for medical markets may be useful. It summarizes the different steps for the development of the model and describes an original contribution of the physicians’ choice model with random drug prices applied to Type 2 diabetes in the US. Pharmaceutical markets have been supply-driven to boost life science and medical technologies; however, with the widening inequalities inside national health systems and the global agenda for universal health coverage, more economic research is being done to strengthen the analysis of demand for healthcare services. Research, especially, examines more disaggregated levels of demand systems to understand the heterogeneity of physicians’ choices and better capture patient needs. It can also be an approach to calibrate supply and demand adjustments in medical markets. This paper argues that choice modeling is particularly relevant, using random price generators in a structural model where a demand approach is useful. If validated by additional experimental studies, this first study by Professors Huttin & Hausman (2021) could be used in advanced value assessment frameworks. Random price generators on medical markets could also be tested with additional models that fit oligopolistic market structures (e.g., models for differentiated product markets such as the Berry–Levinsohn–Pakes model). It may also help with a policy analysis process that addresses major disruptive transformations of market dynamics, evolving boundaries in science, fast digitalization, and artificial intelligence-based information systems.
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