AccScience Publishing / GHES / Online First / DOI: 10.36922/ghes.3829

Affect heuristics and peer effect on substance use among adolescents in Brazil

Auberth Henrik Venson1*
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1 Department of Economics, Center of Applied Social Studies, Londrina State University, Londrina, Paraná, Brazil
Submitted: 4 June 2024 | Accepted: 23 August 2024 | Published: 16 October 2024
© 2024 by the Author(s). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( )

Significant changes are observed during adolescence with respect to health-related habits and risky behaviors. Among the behavioral changes, the consumption of substances such as alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, and illicit drugs, and social interactions are relevant factors for the intake of such substances. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the joint decisions of substance use by adolescents and their peers from the perspective of the affect heuristics. To this end, a multivariate probit model was estimated, based on microdata from the 2019 National School Health Survey. The results showed that substance use by adolescents was positively related to substance use by their peers; therefore, having friends who consume alcohol, illicit drugs, and cigarettes or having parents who consume alcohol or cigarettes increases the likelihood of an adolescent consuming these substances. The study also identified that the substance consumption decision was governed by an unobserved common factor compatible with the affect heuristic.

Affect heuristic
Substance use
Peer effect
Conflict of interest
The author declares that no competing interests exist.

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Global Health Economics and Sustainability, Electronic ISSN: 2972-4570 Published by AccScience Publishing