Disparities in cancer outcomes: A comprehensive analysis of cancer incidence, mortality, and prevalence in Europe

Cancer poses a substantial challenge in Europe’s public health landscape, contributing significantly to illness burden, diminished productivity, and escalating health-care costs. This article investigates the extent to which disparities in cancer outcomes are associated with factors influencing the performance of cancer control initiatives within the European Union (EU). The characteristics of health-care systems play a pivotal role in shaping cancer outcomes through three key mechanisms: (i) Access to screening programs; (ii) quality and efficiency of health-care services; and (iii) health education and awareness programs. A multifactorial regression analysis was employed, utilizing the GLOBOCAN 2020 projections of cancer incidence, mortality, and prevalence based on the data from the International Agency for Research on Cancer. This analysis was delineated across 36 distinct cancer classifications by both gender and age categories. In countries with incomplete population coverage, patients may face limitations in accessing certain services or contend with significant financial obstacles. Furthermore, disparities in health-care service implementation, including diagnostic procedures, treatment modalities, and follow-up care, significantly affect cancer outcomes. In addition, systematic distinctions in care quality, such as early diagnosis, timely access to specialized care, and the presence of coordinated efforts, contribute significantly to diverse cancer outcomes. In conclusion, this article highlights the variations in cancer care provision across European countries, offering valuable insights for enhancing cancer patient care.
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