Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of life of cancer patients: A systematic review

The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impacts on the overall quality of life experienced by patients suffering from various types of cancer. This systematic review aimed to explore the level of health-related quality of life among cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic review was performed on articles written in English and indexed in the PubMed database, retrieved using the keywords “COVID-19,” “quality of life,” and “cancer” combined with the logical operator AND. Our investigation revealed a significant disruption in the quality of life of cancer patients due to COVID-19, with a pronounced impact on their psychological well-being stemming from the protective measures implemented to curb viral transmission. Given that cancer patients already belong to one of the most vulnerable groups, they are particularly susceptible to negative consequences. Moreover, delays in diagnosis and treatment occurred due to restrictive measures, exacerbating disease progression. The findings from this systematic review underscored the significant impact of the pandemic on cancer patients, who exhibited a markedly diminished quality of life. In conclusion, it is vital that all health systems respond effectively to crises, eliminating any form of discrimination among patients and ensuring the uninterrupted provision of oncology care without any postponements or delays.
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