AccScience Publishing / GHES / Volume 2 / Issue 3 / DOI: 10.36922/ghes.2840

The health consequences of child marriage among rural women: Evidence from Igbo-Eze North, South-east Nigeria

Okala Agwu Uche1 Ijeoma Blessing Uche1*
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1 Department of Social Work, Faculty of the Social Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
Submitted: 29 January 2024 | Accepted: 13 March 2024 | Published: 23 May 2024
© 2024 by the Author(s). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( )

Child marriage has emerged as a significant social issue due to its profound health consequences, particularly within rural communities. This study aims to investigate the health consequences associated with child marriage among rural women. Employing a phenomenological approach, this qualitative study collected information from women with firsthand experiences in the communities of Etteh and Enugu Ezike, both situated in the Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State. Data were collected through in-depth interviews conducted with 20 women selected through purposeful sampling. The sample encompassed married women aged 18 – 45 years, with a specific focus on those married before the age of 18. The findings revealed a significant association between child marriage and adverse physical health outcomes, including heightened rates of maternal mortality, inadequate prenatal care, and increased vulnerability to infectious diseases. Moreover, mental health assessments indicated a higher prevalence of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder among women who experienced child marriage. Reproductive health implications were also observed, with a higher incidence of obstetric complications and adverse birth outcomes among this cohort. This study sheds light on the intricate web of health consequences associated with child marriage among women in Nigerian rural communities. The findings underscore the urgency for social work interventions that address the unique challenges faced by young girls in rural communities. Recognizing the long-term repercussions of child marriage is essential for informing evidence-based strategies aimed at improving the health and well-being of affected women and promoting sustainable development in the region.

Child marriage
Health consequences
Rural women
Social work
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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Global Health Economics and Sustainability, Electronic ISSN: 2972-4570 Published by AccScience Publishing