Legitimizing design thinking: Addressing barriers to corporate adoption

The design domain has long been recognized as a source of value creation, with a recent paradigm shift in both academic and practitioner circles conceptualizing design as a comprehensive innovation management practice. Design thinking (DT) has gained prominence for fostering engagement and confidence in creative processes. However, outcomes can be influenced by various factors and conditions, making direct attribution to DT challenging. While organizational maturity can impact DT implementation, this relationship is complex and warrants further investigation. More in-depth research and appropriate methodologies are needed to assist organizations in establishing the legitimacy of DT, acknowledging that legitimacy often derives from the perceived quality of work outcomes, which is inherently subjective. Therefore, it is essential to develop more objective criteria and evaluation methods to provide a clearer and more reliable basis for assessing the success and impact of DT initiatives. This paper addresses the need for legitimacy in adopting DT as an innovation strategy, with a focus on both individual and social structural perspectives. Drawing on organizational workplace theories and employee perceptions, we developed and tested hypotheses to overcome barriers to the adoption of DT. Although based on a small sample size, our study offers valuable insights into the factors influencing DT adoption within organizations. Using a quasi-experimental approach, we examined how organizational practices, leadership, and physical spaces affect the legitimacy and widespread adoption of DT. By assessing both qualitative and quantitative indicators, we combined participant feedback with observable behaviors for a more comprehensive evaluation. Recognizing the subjectivity of legitimacy measurement, we enhanced our approach by integrating multiple data sources. This study lays the groundwork for future research, refining legitimacy assessments and investigating the long-term impact of DT adoption. We hope our findings inspire further exploration of additional variables that influence the success of DT across diverse organizational contexts.
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