Mind Marvel platform: Transforming attention deficit hyperactivity disorder challenges into opportunities through interactive gaming

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological disorder marked by a pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity. Since the signs and symptoms of ADHD can be observed in the early stages of childhood, a prompt diagnosis, along with effective treatment, is of utmost importance. Once a child is diagnosed, various treatments are available, including behavioral therapy, medication, and cognitive training. Recent research has shown that individuals with ADHD tend to respond well to interactive games and technologies, such as virtual reality (VR) since such activities require timely task completion, attention to detail, and concentration. Thus, the purpose of this study is to leverage on game therapy for ADHD and develop Mind Marvel, a unique platform for individuals with ADHD. This platform combines the design of interactive webpages with a VR environment, transforming ADHD challenges into opportunities through such interactive gaming. In this case, the user answers a set of questions and plays a VR game by using a computer mouse and keyboard or a commercial VR controller. This platform has been tested under laboratory conditions, after which preliminary results indicate that the capabilities of the Mind Marvel system effectively support individuals with ADHD and raise awareness of their conditions.
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