AccScience Publishing / AIH / Online First / DOI: 10.36922/aih.5753

The role of Omnichain in advancing federated learning for artificial intelligence training in healthcare

Dongfang Wu1,2* Yichen Wang1,2
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1 Global Health Research Center, Duke Kunshan University, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China
2 Global Health Institute, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, United States of America
Submitted: 4 November 2024 | Revised: 24 January 2025 | Accepted: 25 February 2025 | Published: 7 March 2025
© 2025 by the Author(s). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( )

Health data serves as a crucial foundation for artificial intelligence (AI) training in the healthcare sector. The pivotal procedure for acquiring numerous and effective health data lies in incentivizing participants to contribute their health data while adhering to privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation. Federated learning achieves privacy protection by transmitting only parameters rather than data to the model. When integrated with blockchain smart contracts, this approach facilitates the automation of incentives according to health data quality, thereby mitigating human’s subjective intervention. Consequently, the synergy of these two methodologies offers new promise for the training of AI models in healthcare. However, this advantage encounters performance degradation due to the heterogeneity among diverse blockchains. This article posits the concept of Omnichain as a potential solution to this challenge by analyzing its operational mechanisms and future developmental trajectories and providing potential perspectives for its combination with hybrid federal learning solutions such as differential privacy and secure multi-party computation to promote its application in the sphere of AI in healthcare.

Federated learning
Artificial intelligence training
Training performance
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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Artificial Intelligence in Health, Electronic ISSN: 3029-2387 Print ISSN: 3041-0894, Published by AccScience Publishing