Bridging Art and Design with Technology: Explore the New Possibilities in Creativity

AccScience Publishing

Meeting date
Hong Kong, China
Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China
Prof. Shim Kyuha

With a particular focus on creativity’s role in bridging art, design, and technology, this conference aims to explore creativity and its intersection with art, design, and technology. It also serves as an academic platform for discussing, sharing new insights and strives to spread awareness of digital arts, design, and culture via a range of academic, professional, and cultural initiatives. Academics, researchers, practitioners, and others from all over the world working in the broadly defined fields of digital arts, culture, creative industries, education, and transdisciplinary methods have submitted a large number of cutting-edge works for this conference.

This conference will provide the opportunity to exchange experiences, develop fresh ideas, and develop collaborative strategies for interested scholars, practitioners and other stakeholders. Scholars from both local and overseas regions will present their most current findings on important issues such as user-generated content, creative applications of art and design studies with digital technologies, and the impact of technology on art and design education. Additionally, academics and practising artists/designers from Hong Kong and overseas will share their practical creative insights into art and design studies and technology.

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Arts & Communication, Electronic ISSN: 2972-4090 Published by AccScience Publishing