A new model for poetry translation

A poem is comprehended as a complex macro-image that combines autosemantic, synsemantic, and subsemantic image levels. These levels are mutually conditioned and interact with one another, requiring a comprehensive reconstruction in translation that considers their hierarchy and relationships within the macro-image and broader contexts. The main goal of this study is to introduce a comprehensive scheme for the integral multi-aspect analysis of poetry during the translation process aimed at achieving translation adequacy. The article identifies and depicts the macro-image structure of a poem, which is essential for its interpretation, pre-translating analysis, translation, and quality assessment. This study treats a poem as a macro-image method of structural formation composed of interconnected image systems. An adequate rendering of these systems reflects the unity of the content and form of the original poem in its translation. Furthermore, it also provides a new definition of poetic translation. The proposed macro-image structure-system scheme of poetic works would facilitate a thorough analysis of the original poem and its adequate reconstruction in another language. Applying this scheme to existing translations would contribute to a more comprehensive analysis of poetic works and enhance translation adequacy.
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