Plus Ultra: Female body in public sphere at 8th Biennial Sea Salon
Oriana Duarte’s compelling piece, “Plus Ultra,” unveiled at the 8th Biennial Sea Salon (Vitória-Espírito Santo, Brazil), intricately weaves personal narratives that accentuate the interplay between movement, landscape, and the human form. This artwork serves as a profound exploration of subjectivity, inviting the audience to immerse themselves in a realm that is both geographical and virtual. Duarte’s creation prompts a series of pivotal inquiries, unraveling the layers of experience within the urban landscape of Espírito Santo. The first query delves into the intricate dynamics of encountering the artwork and its inherent esthetic and political ties within this specific locale. The second interrogates the role of the female body in “Plus Ultra,” shedding light on how it becomes a central element in the narrative. Ultimately, the third question scrutinizes the evaluation of female artists’ participation within the broader context of the 8th Biennial Sea Salon. The findings from this exploration resonate profoundly, emphasizing the critical relevance of interconnected themes such as art, body, subjectivity, gender, and space in contemporary artistic discourse. Duarte’s work not only underscores the symbiosis between these elements but also unveils the transformative potential of corporeality in reshaping the urban landscape. By decoding the intricate relationships within “Plus Ultra,” this study contributes to a deeper understanding of how contemporary art serves as a catalyst for redefining not only physical spaces but also societal perceptions, especially when viewed through the lens of female artistic expression.
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