News and Announcements
Journal: Microbes & Immunity
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Column Information
Immune System Pharmacology aims to investigate the biochemical basis of immune regulation and to modulate the immune system using naturally occurring substances or drugs to achieve positive therapeutic effects.
Published Paper (3 Papers)
Exploring natural products: Novel insights and therapeutic potential of plant-based compounds
Bashar Saad
(This article belongs to the Special Issue
Natural Products in the Prevention and Treatment of Microbiological, Immunological, and Infectious Diseases: Integrating Wild Edible Plants and Beyond)
In vitro evaluation of Hyphaene thebaica honey as a multitarget therapeutic product
Basheer Abu-Farich,
Mahmud Masalha,
Hadeel Hamarshi,
Asmae El Ghouizi, ... Bashar Saad
(This article belongs to the Special Issue
Natural Products in the Prevention and Treatment of Microbiological, Immunological, and Infectious Diseases: Integrating Wild Edible Plants and Beyond)
The multifaceted health benefits of honey: A natural antimicrobial, antioxidant, and complementary therapeutic agent
Yuhan Xie,
Paolo Coghi
undefined, 6592
(This article belongs to the Special Issue
Natural Products in the Prevention and Treatment of Microbiological, Immunological, and Infectious Diseases: Integrating Wild Edible Plants and Beyond)