This special issue is determined to cover various areas of research in Alzheimer disease and other forms of dementias, from basic to clinical studies broadly covering the areas in behavior, molecular, cellular, genetics, imaging, drug discovery and clinical trials etc. Currently, research in Alzheimer Disease is greatly advancing because the disease is one of the major causes of deaths and deteriorates economy globally. The pathophysiology of the disease is highly complex, and an appropriate medication is yet to be found.
In this special issue we aim to provide up to date information from various research findings that focus on deeper understanding on the regulatory mechanisms underlying etiology and pathogenesis and clinical trials of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. We invite researchers across the globe to contribute for this special issue.
Key topics:
- Role of immune system dysregulation in developing dementia of AD and related dementia.
- Understanding etiology and pathophysiology of AD and related dementia.
- Understanding regulatory mechanisms of AD pathogenesis and other forms of dementias.
- Drug designing and clinical trials, failures and success.