The International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 2024

The International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
in honor of Professor PHAM DINH TAO and Professor LE THI HOAI AN
for the 40th birthday of DC Programming and DCA
The International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (ICAMCS2024), in honor of Professors Pham Dinh Tao and Le Thi Hoai An for the 40th birthday of DC (Difference of Convex functions) programming and DCA (DC Algorithm), will be held on December 20-21, 2024 in Hanoi, Vietnam. ICAMCS2024 brings together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars to discuss and share their newest research results in all aspects of Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Applications. The scope of the conference includes all aspects of theory, methodology and applications of Computer Sciences and Applied Mathematics. Contributions to the links between these two domains as well as the solution of real-life problems are particularly appreciated.
ICAMCS2024 is organized by International School – Vietnam National University Hanoi; Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam; Laboratoire de Conception, Optimisation et Modélisation des Systèmes, Université de Lorraine, France; in collaboration with Institute of Optimization CTOPTIMAL, Vietnam. The conference will be held in both formats: in person in Hanoi and online via the ZOOM/MSTeams platform.
The conference proceedings will be published in the series Lectures Notes in Networks and Systems of Spinger-Verlag, and indexed by SCOPUS, DBLP, Web of Science, EI Compendex, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series, WTI AG, INSPEC, zbMATH, SCImago. Special Issues in SCI journals for the post-conference publication are planned, which include:
- Optimization Letters;
Others to be confirmed soon.
For the conference schedule and detailed information, please refer to the official conference website: