AccScience Publishing / IJOCTA / Online First / DOI: 10.36922/ijocta.1664

Modeling the renewable energy development in Türkiye with optimization

Neyre Tekbıyık-Ersoy*
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1 Energy Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cyprus International University, 99258, Nicosia, North Cyprus via Mersin 10, Türkiye
IJOCTA 2025, 15(1), 137–154;
Submitted: 9 August 2024 | Accepted: 4 January 2025 | Published: 27 January 2025
© 2025 by the Author(s). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution -Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC-by the license) ( )

Due to increasing electricity consumption in Türkiye, energy supply had to increase significantly in the last few decades. As Türkiye has been highly dependent on energy imports, this had an effect on country’s economy. However, especially in the last two decades, Türkiye increased the utilization of renewables. This can significantly improve the energy security and the economy of the country. This paper investigates the development of renewable energy in Türkiye and aims to determine the main drivers behind the significant development recorded in the last decades. In order to do that, past data have been analyzed and a constrained optimization problem has been constructed. This optimization problem aims to minimize the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) between the real and estimated renewable electricity capacity levels in Türkiye. In order to analyze the effect of increasing the number of modeling parameters, this paper considers three cases with different number of modeling parameters. The results in each case reveal the optimum weights and the modeling parameters that should be preferred for modeling the installed renewable energy capacity in Türkiye. The results of the proposed approach, called Mean Absolute Error based OPTimization (MAEOPT), are also compared with that of multiple linear regression (MLR). The obtained MAE values for the best six models reported in this paper (three for MAEOPT and three for MLR) are less than 5%, which indicates an excellent performance. The results also indicate the superiority of MAEOPT over MLR, in terms of MAE and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE).

Renewable energy
Conflict of interest
The author declare that they have no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article.

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An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications, Electronic ISSN: 2146-5703 Print ISSN: 2146-0957, Published by AccScience Publishing