Developing a package for analysis and design optimization of wind turbine systems

The installation of wind turbines and consequently the use of wind energy is increasing day by day, since the rapid development in semiconductor technology has led to more advance in the wind turbine technologies. On the other hand, it is well known that a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application provides great advantages to the user such as; the use of programming language and data input for systems without coding, getting the results with the help of symbols, icons and other visual graphics. Accordingly, in this paper, to determine the amount of energy production, cost of energy and etc., of a Wind Turbine System (WTS) that has been established or will be installed, a tool is introduced by the presented software package. Besides the analysis option, the package also offers optimization algorithms that would be used for the layout design of types of Wind Turbine Systems which are called fixed-speed and variable-speed Wind Turbine Systems seperately by keeping in consideration the wind speed and geographic features of the regions. The graphical user interface, which is the one of important features of C# program were used and called Analysis & Design Optimization Package (A&DOP).
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