Comprehensive insight into 3D bioprinting technology for brain tumor modelling

Glioblastoma is one of the most common primary malignant brain tumors with a poor prognosis and high mortality rate. Since only small lipophilic molecules can penetrate the blood–brain barrier, chemotherapy and immunotherapy are limited in their ability to effectively treat brain tumors. 3D bioprinting has the potential to directly model the 3D environment of human pathology and diseases. In many cancers, 3D bioprinting technology closely mimics the tumor microenvironment, making it a promising tool for drug screening and uncovering the mechanisms of cancer initiation and progression. Recent 3D bioprinting technologies have been developed to recreate the dynamic interactions between the tumor and endothelial cells. Brain tumor models using 3D bioprinting technology can reconstruct the biophysical heterogeneity and immune interactions in the brain. These advanced models regulate the organization of tumor structures for preclinical drug testing and reveal the immunological pathways involved in brain tumors. Here, we highlight 3D bioprinting technologies that can replace conventional in vitro models for brain tumor treatment.

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