CockpitGemini: A personalized design framework for smart vehicle cockpits integrating generative model-based multi-agent systems and human digital twins

The evolution of smart vehicle cockpits is transitioning from serving as mere driving tools to becoming intimate partners that significantly enhance user experiences through advanced technologies. This research addresses the growing demand for personalized design in smart vehicle cockpits by proposing a framework, CockpitGemini. This framework integrates generative model-based multi-agent systems and human digital twins, enabling tailored designs and services based on user preferences and real-time status. The capabilities of the proposed framework are illustrated through four dimensions: personalized product design, personalized interactive interface design, user state monitoring and personalized regulation, and personalized driving strategy recommendations. A case study on the design of personalized vehicle seats demonstrates the feasibility and usability of the CockpitGemini framework, highlighting its potential to enhance user satisfaction in smart vehicle cockpits.
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