Regenerative therapy has recently emerged for treating various diseases, and numerous preclinical and clinical studies using various types of stem cells and tissue engineering have been proven to improve organ functions. For example, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) represent an unlimited source of a variety of cells because of their great differentiation potential. They are, therefore, one of the most promising sources of cells for cardiovascular regenerative therapy.
This Special Issue calls for original articles and reviews to provide readers of Global Translational Medicine with a comprehensive elucidation of cardiovascular regenerative therapy, stem cell therapy, and induced pluripotent stem cells.
Author registration and submission: Submit your paper along with a cover letter, including the special issue title. Your paper will undergo a fair peer review and be published immediately after acceptance and will be available to an international audience.
Cardiac regenerative therapy using induced pluripotent stem cells
Advancements in cardiac regenerative therapy: Scalable human iPSC-derived cardiomyocyte differentiation and maturation