Innovative strategies for modernizing evidence-based traditional Chinese medicine in Western health-care systems

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) faces significant challenges in modernization and integration into Western healthcare systems due to fundamental differences in diagnostic approaches, treatment targets, and underlying philosophies. Direct application of Western methodologies to TCM proves inadequate, necessitating a tailored approach that respects TCM’s unique aspects while ensuring scientific rigor. This article examines the challenges and opportunities in modernizing TCM, with a focus on its integration into Western healthcare systems governed by stringent regulatory frameworks such as those of the Food and Drug Administration in the US. It explores innovative strategies, such as using composite hypotheses in clinical trials to align evaluation criteria with TCM’s holistic approach and strategically using real-world data and evidence to enhance regulatory submissions. The proposed methodologies offer novel ways to bridge the divide between TCM and Western medicine, potentially transforming policy and practice in global healthcare systems. By adopting an approach that respects the unique aspects of TCM while ensuring scientific rigor, successful integration into Western health-care systems could be achieved, leveraging TCM’s potential benefits for patient care.
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