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Editorial Board
Saffa Riffat
Head of the Institutes of Building Technology and Sustainable Energy Technology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham,UK

Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Sustainable Urban Development, Climate Change Mitigation, Carbon Capture, Low-Carbon Technologies, Green Roofs, Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Biomass).

Associate Editors
Ziwei Chen
Department of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

Green Energy Technology, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, Battery Storage Solutions, Phase Change Materials (PCM), Smart Grids, and Energy System Integration.

James Riffat
Department of Architecture and Built Environment,University of Nottingham, Nottingham,UK

Renewable Energy Systems, Urban Heat Island Mitigation, Water Management in Smart Cities, Circular Economy, and Life Cycle Assessment.

Editorial Board Members
Mardiana Idayu Ahmad
School of Industrial Technology,Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang,Malaysia

Renewable Energy Systems, Energy Policy, Sustainable Energy Transition in Southeast Asia.

Jihad Awad
HOD Architecture Department, Ajman University, Ajman, UAE

Low-Carbon Building Design, Sustainable Architecture, Energy-Efficient Materials.

Devrim Aydin
Mechanical Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus, Turkey

Geothermal Energy, Sustainable Building Technologies, Urban Energy Systems.

Fajar Berkah T.K.
Department of Mechanical Engineering,Diponegoro University, Jawa Tengah Indonesia

Sustainable refrigeration, Climate-friendly technologies, Energy efficiency solutions, Alternative refrigerants, Clean energy fuels

Michele Bottarelli
Applied Physics and Nuclear Engineering,University of Ferrara,  Ferrara, Italy

Green Retrofitting, Life Cycle Assessment, Low-Impact Building Materials.

John Calautit
Department of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

Building Ventilation, Natural Cooling Systems, Air Quality and Energy Consumption.

Wongee Chun
Department of Nuclear and Energy Engineering, Cheju National University, Jeju,South Korea

Wind Energy Systems, Offshore Renewable Energy, Resilient Coastal Infrastructure.

Sakthivadivel Duraisamy
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India

Renewable Energy, Biomass Gasification, Green Hydrogen generation, Solar Energy Technologies, Rural Electrification and Nanofluids applications

Andrew Eloka-Eboka
Department of Mechanical Engineering, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa

Bioenergy, Biomass Conversion Technologies, Sustainable Energy Solutions, Climate-Resilient Infrastructure.

Mathias Fraaß
Fachbereich IV – Architektur und Gebäudetechnik,Berliner Hochschule für Technik, Berlin,Germany

Renewable Energy, Advanced HVAC Systems and Appliances, Control and Monitoring, Semantic Web Solutions, Energy Efficiency in Industrial Applications

Ahmed Freewan
School of Design, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Ar-Ramtha, Jordan

Building Energy Technologies, Smart Buildings, Passive Solar Design, Energy Management Systems

Muhyiddine Jradi
Moller Institute,University of Southern Denmark, Odense,Denmark

Energy efficient systems, Sustainable energy technologies, Energy digitalization, Building management systems, Building energy modelling and simulation, Digital twins, HVAC Systems, Energy Storage.

Arif Karabuğa
College of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Istanbul Atlas University, Istanbul, Türkiye

Smart Cities, Renewable Energy Policy, Green Infrastructure, Sustainable Urban Systems.

Waqas Khalid
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering,National University of Sciences and Technology, slamabad,Pakistan

Energy Analysis, Thermal Comfort, Building Energy, Renewable Energy, Climate change adaptation.

Risto Kosonen
Energy Conversion and Systems,Aalto University, Aalto, Finland

Indoor climate, ventilation, energy efficient buildings, energy flexibility, energy resilient, decarbonization Indoor Air Quality, Building Energy Modelling, Smart Energy Management.

Shuli Liu
School of mechanical engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing,China

Urban Energy Systems, Distributed Energy Resources, Sustainable Urban Development.

Ashmore Mawire
Department of Physics and Electronics, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa

Solar Energy Technologies, Heat Pump Systems, Renewable Energy Integration, Thermal Energy Storage.

K. Srinivas Reddy
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai,India

Renewable Energy, Thermal Energy Systems, Solar Thermal Technology, Energy Conservation

Li Shao
Energy and Environmental Engineering Research Group,University of Reading, Reading,UK

Data based energy efficiency, Urban green infrastructure, Energy Demand Management, Building Performance Optimisation.

Jitiporn Wongwatcharapaiboon
Faculty of Architecture and Planning,Thammasat University, Bangkok,Thailand

Green Infrastructure, Sustainable Water Management, Urban Resilience.

Hongxing Yang
Department of Built Environment and Energy Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hongkong, China

Energy and Exergy Efficiency, Sustainable Air Conditioning Technologies, Solar Photovoltaic Systems.

Chin-Huai Young
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, China

Energy Storage Solutions, Electric Vehicle Integration, Smart Grid Development.

Xingxing Zhang
School of Information and Engineering, Dalarna University, Dalarna,Sweden

Net-Zero Energy Buildings, Energy-Efficient Design, Urban Sustainability. Energy-efficient buildings, Positive energy district, Data analytics.

Xudong Zhao
School of Engineering,University of Hull, Hull,UK

Energy Storage Technologies, Solar Thermal Systems, Low-Carbon Energy Solutions.

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